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HB1 Glaze Table Reservations

Reserve a seat at Glaze table HB1.

2 hrThird Coast Clay

Service Description

This reservation is for use of the glazing table. Please remember to clean up your workspace, including the wheel/table, tools, and equipment, before the end of your reservation. This ensures everything is ready for the next student. Thank you for your cooperation. If studio is unexpectedly closed and you have a reservation, we will send an automated email to the email we have on file.

Cancellation Policy

Open Studio reservations are accepted 24 hours prior to your desired studio time. Please remember to check in when you arrive to the studio. Cancellation or rescheduling is allowed up to 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. In the event we do not have a studio sitter, every effort will be made not to cancel. You will be credited if we cancel reservations.

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